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Friday, August 29, 2014

Mount Rinjani

Mount Rinjani is located at the north of Lombok. It’s the highest mount in Nusa Tenggara Barat and the second in Indonesia. The height is about 3726 meters above the sea level. It’s believed as the place of Dewi Anjani spirit, a princess of a small kingdom in Lombok.

Mount Rinjani is one of the best tourism destinations in Lombok. It has many exotics views like Kandera view, lake, hill, valley, waterfall, geyser, cave, etc.  

The most exotic is Segare Anak, which formed by the Mount Rinjani explosion. The people call it Segara Laut because the lake color is blue like the sea. It is located 2.800 meters height and there are many fishes like gold fish, mujair and harper.

Segare Anak Lake is also believed has magic that can cure diseases. This place is also used for holy ceremony.

The views have attract many tourists to hike and conquer the mount which almost four kilometers far.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Jogjakarta Province

Jogjakarta or Yogyakarta is renowned as a center of classical Javanese fine art and culture such as batik, ballet, drama, music, poetry, and puppet shows. Yogyakarta was the Indonesian capital during the Indonesian National Revolution from 1945 to 1949. One of the districts in Yogyakarta, Kotagede, was the capital of the Mataram Sultanate between 1577 and 1640. The city is named after the Indian city of Ayodhya from the Ramayana epic.

Because of its proximity to world famous Borobudur and Prambanan temples, also because having unique Javanese court Kraton culture of Kraton Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta has become the second most important tourist destination in Indonesia after Bali. Most tourist come to Yogyakarta as an accommodation base on visiting Borobudur and Prambanan and also for its strong Javanese culture and tradition. This makes it prominent among other Javanese cities, along with Surakarta or Solo, a city lying about 64 kilometers (40 miles) to the east, Yogyakarta is the center of Javanese culture.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Mount Bromo, East Java

Located some 4 hours driven from Surabaya, the capital of East Java, Mount Bromo is the part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park that covers a massive area of 800 squares kilometers. While it may be small when measured against other volcanoes in Indonesia, the magnificient Mt. Bromo will not disappoint with its spectators views and dramatic landscape. At 2393 meters tall, Mount Bromo is not among the tallest of Indonesia’s mountains but its stunning beauty lies in its incredible setting.

From a vantage point on Mount Penanjakan (2,770 meters above sea level), 2.5 hours from Malang, visitors from around the world come to see the sunrise over Mount Bromo. From this spot the vista is magnificent. All you will hear is the click of cameras as visitors snap their camera’s hoping to capture the incredible scene of Mount Bromo in the foreground with Mount Semeru smoking in the distance and the sun shining brightly, quickly rising in the sky.

The eerie landscape has spurned countless legends and myths. Mount Bromo has particular significance for the Tengger people who believe that this was the site where a brave prince sacrificed his life for his family. The people here appease the Gods once a year during the annual Kasada festival where offerings of vegetables, chickens and money are thrown into the crater of the volcano.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

South Sulawesi tourism object

Enrekang Tourism Object

236 km to the north of Ujung Padang, you can see beautiful landscapesat Bambapuang, located 20 km from Enrekang to the north on the way to Tana Toraja. Here can be seen an erotic mountain called Batu Kabobong, by its shape formef by the valley and slopes. A rest house is built on an elevation, giving a clear view of the countryside.

Samalona island

Across the harbor of Ujung Pandang is Samalona island, which has been developed into a pleasant recreational resort. It can reached by boat in 45 minutes and has simple accommodation. Recreational sports include diving, snorkeling, water skiing and fishing.

Mampu Cave

The largest cave in South Sulaweousi, the legendary Mampu cave is about 140 km from the capital. Besides stalagmites and stalactites, rock formations resemble human figures and animals to which legends are attached. Bats that shriek and flutter around when bright lights pierce the darkness inhabit the cave

Leang-Leang Historic Park

Now declared an archaeological site, these prehistoric caves have strange rock carvings of hands and wild pigs, believed to be 5000 years old. The road leads from Maros through the cave-riddled limestone hills to the site about half an hour’s drive from the airport.

Friday, August 22, 2014


Most of the reefs of the Bunaken National Marine Park are rich and unspoilt, with pristine and abundant soft coral and fish life in huge concentration. The night diving in the park is spectacular, rare creatures are round every corner, and there's a WWII wreck in day range. Let's take a closer look at Manado's main diving areas:
The Bunaken National Marine Park consists of five islands: BunakenManado TuaNainMontehage, andSiladen, as well as a part of the North Sulawesi mainland. Diving in and around Bunaken is mostly wall diving and drift diving, but also includes several beautiful coral slopes. There are 22 official dive sites within the park. The variety of both fish and soft coral is outstanding, making this area one of the top places in the world with regards to biodiversity. In addition, tucked away on the precipitous walls, you find an abundance of invertebrates and small marine life forms. With visibility around 25m and water temperature 26-30 C, this is a world-favourite destination for underwater photographers and naturalists alike.

Manado Tua, the fascinating cone-shaped volcanic island, features steep slopes on land covered with coconut palms and even steeper vertical drop-offs under water. Here you find the prettiest and most pristine coral, as well as many nudibranches and other macro life. The impressive overhanging walls are a breathtaking experience to dive, packed as they are with life, whilst the shallows provide some of the best snorkelling. In the many indents, caves and outcroppings of the walls, you often find reef sharks and other big fish, making this a preferred area for deep diving.
60m-long WWII shipwreck with good visibility and fish life is an available option if you fancy a change of diving scene. There are more wrecks in Lembeh (see below). Night diving on the walls is a thrilling adventure with a whole new array of creatures rarely seen during daytime and beautiful colours on the reefs when the tentacles of the coral are out at night to catch plankton - yet another world to explore!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


The Raja Ampat archipelago consists of some 600 islands and islets that straddle the equator in the area of the “Birds Head”, the extreme north-western tip of the Papua province of Indonesia (formerly known as New Guinea). The name Raja Ampat literally means ‘the Four Kings’ and the name dates back to the time that the islands were ruled from the North Moluccan sultanates of Ternate and Tidore. The larger islands are lightly populated but most others are uninhabited by humans.

The world’s richest marine biological area
This vast archipelago is estimated to have up to 10 times the marine life of the Caribbean and Mediterranean Sea combined. Marine biologists have concluded that Raja Ampat is the home of seventy percent of the known coral species on the planet. Many fish, corals and crustaceans that live in these waters are found nowhere else on the earth and it is without a doubt the heartland our planet’s richest biological preserve.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Borobudur Temple is considered as one of Seven Wonders of the World. It is located at Borobudur District, South of Magelang, Central Java. Borobudur was built by Sammaratungga in the 8th century, and belongs to Budha Mahayana. It is revealed by Sir Thomas Raffles in 1814. The temple was found in ruined condition and was buried.

The overall height was 42 meters, but was only 34.5 meters after restoration, and had the dimension of 123 x 123 meters (15,129 square meters). There were 10 floors. The first floor up to the sixth floor was square form, the seventh to the tenth were round form.

Borobudur is facing to the East with total of 1460 panels (2 meters wide each). Total size of the temple walls was 2500 square meters, full of relief. The total number of panels with relief was 1212.  

Monday, August 18, 2014


It is one of the new 7 wonders of nature. The island is popular destination for diving. It is part of the East Nusa Tenggara province. The Komodo dragon, the world’s largest living lizard, takes its name from the island. The island contains a beach with pink sand, one of only seven in the world.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

THE FLAG CEREMONY for Indonesia Independence Day


Saturday, August 16, 2014



Today is a special day for Indonesia people. Our independence day has been celebrated every year. Now it's our 69th independence year. Hope Indonesia will be stayed stronger and has a great future.

Friday, August 15, 2014


My beloved country keeps many treasures from the past years until now and the future. I felt blessed to live in this amazing country which full of many natural resources and different cultures. Although it has many differences, Indonesia is able to be one big nation. The societies of Indonesia are famous with their friendly attitude.

When we say about Indonesia, most of the foreign tourists always remember about this word “Bali”. And the second word is “Jakarta”. So in this blog I will introduce more about other cities, island, and culture in Indonesia because Indonesia is a big country, not only consists of Bali or Jakarta. It has many other tourism destination places for you to be enjoying too. So don’t miss it.