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Wednesday, August 20, 2014


The Raja Ampat archipelago consists of some 600 islands and islets that straddle the equator in the area of the “Birds Head”, the extreme north-western tip of the Papua province of Indonesia (formerly known as New Guinea). The name Raja Ampat literally means ‘the Four Kings’ and the name dates back to the time that the islands were ruled from the North Moluccan sultanates of Ternate and Tidore. The larger islands are lightly populated but most others are uninhabited by humans.

The world’s richest marine biological area
This vast archipelago is estimated to have up to 10 times the marine life of the Caribbean and Mediterranean Sea combined. Marine biologists have concluded that Raja Ampat is the home of seventy percent of the known coral species on the planet. Many fish, corals and crustaceans that live in these waters are found nowhere else on the earth and it is without a doubt the heartland our planet’s richest biological preserve.

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