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Sunday, August 24, 2014

South Sulawesi tourism object

Enrekang Tourism Object

236 km to the north of Ujung Padang, you can see beautiful landscapesat Bambapuang, located 20 km from Enrekang to the north on the way to Tana Toraja. Here can be seen an erotic mountain called Batu Kabobong, by its shape formef by the valley and slopes. A rest house is built on an elevation, giving a clear view of the countryside.

Samalona island

Across the harbor of Ujung Pandang is Samalona island, which has been developed into a pleasant recreational resort. It can reached by boat in 45 minutes and has simple accommodation. Recreational sports include diving, snorkeling, water skiing and fishing.

Mampu Cave

The largest cave in South Sulaweousi, the legendary Mampu cave is about 140 km from the capital. Besides stalagmites and stalactites, rock formations resemble human figures and animals to which legends are attached. Bats that shriek and flutter around when bright lights pierce the darkness inhabit the cave

Leang-Leang Historic Park

Now declared an archaeological site, these prehistoric caves have strange rock carvings of hands and wild pigs, believed to be 5000 years old. The road leads from Maros through the cave-riddled limestone hills to the site about half an hour’s drive from the airport.

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